

Wednesday 28 June 2017

The Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority of Sierra Leone, EDSA Start The Distribution Of 5000 Electricity Meters

Improving the country’s energy sector is one of the foremost development objectives that government and international donors should be working to address. Electricity is probably one of the biggest major constraints Sierra Leone is facing, says Parminder Brar, World Bank Country Manager. “85% of Sierra Leone’s population does not have access to electricity,” Brar stated.

 On Saturday, 24 June 2017, the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) started the distribution of over 5,000 pre-paid metres. According to Mally Bangura, EDSA officer in charge of meter distribution, the distribution is to ensure functional, effective, national electricity distribution and supply.

Bangura further stated  that 1,500 meters will be distributed in Lungi, Makeni, Bo and Kenema to increase access to electricity in rural communities. “Improving access and quality power supply in provincial districts,” Bangura said, “is critical in enhancing the country’s economic transformative drive.”

“Access to electricity is essential because electricity support economic activities create employments and currently the demand for energy in Sierra Leone increases, the distribution of metres is to combat the challenge of demand and also a way of connecting communities and creating a friendly environment for more investment and household use,” Bangura stated.

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