

Friday 1 April 2016

Relationship: 10 Tips To Help You Date Again After A Heartbreak



When your heart gets broken, it feels like the end of the world. Nothing makes sense anymore. After a heartbreak, you have to be patient with yourself and give yourself time to heal.

Below are 10 tips that would help you date again after a heartbreak

1. Learn From Your Experience

Even though the experience was really terrible, there are lessons to be learned after a heartbreak. Review what went well and what didn’t go well in your previous relationship. You also have to identify the areas you think you should have done better and make adjustments if needed going forward.
2. Believe In Love

I understand it could be really difficult to believe in love again after a heartbreak but you have to believe in love again. Just because it didn’t work out with your ex doesn’t mean you would never find love. See your last experience as a blessing in disguise and think positively.

3. The Type Of Partner You Deserve

Your last experience should help shape your ideas on the type of partner you think you deserve in a relationship. You should know the kind of qualities your partner should possess after your last experience. Qualities like character, morals and integrity should be high on your list and you should endeavour not to compromise on them.

4. Start Afresh

Your new partner shouldn’t pay the price for your experience with someone else, so it’s really important you wipe the slate clean and start afresh. Many people make their new partner pay for the sins of a previous partner and this attitude is really wrong. Your new partner isn’t responsible for what you went through in your previous relationship so learn to start afresh.

5. Know Your Worth

You have to know your worth because if you don’t, no one will. After your last experience, there are things you now want from your new partner but the question is what are you offering your new partner? Are you expecting your new partner to be of good character while you have a questionable character? You should be ready to give in return what you demand of your new partner.

6. Learn To Trust Again

No relationship can survive without trust so you have to learn to trust again even though your last relationship didn’t end well. So many people become too guarded and protective in their next relationship and this becomes a big problem in their new relationship. This is why it is really important to give yourself time to heal before dating again.

7. Be Optimistic

Just because your last relationship didn’t end well isn’t a reason to be pessimistic. Learn to be optimistic for the sake of your new relationship. You can’t move on if you continue to remain pessimistic. Have a wonderful outlook on life and love and surround yourself with people who also do.

8. Don’t Ignore The Warning Signs

One mistake we all make when we start a new relationship is that we consciously or unconsciously ignore the warning signs. Don’t have this mentality that you can change or mould your partner into someone else. When your partner shows you who he or she really is, it’s better to break it off early and avoid a terrible heartbreak afterwards.

9. Ensure Your Partner Knows The Things That Matter To You

After your last experience, it is expected you know the things that matter to you in a relationship. So many times we are so interested in pleasing our partner that we forget what we really need in a relationship. Let your partner know what’s important to you in a relationship and ensure you stop unwanted behaviour at inception.

10. Go With The Flow

Set yourself loose and go with the flow. Don’t be afraid to give your all in your new relationship. I prefer giving my all in every relationship so I don’t have a reason to go back when the relationship fails. When you know you gave your all to make it work, it becomes easy to move on because you realise that person isn’t worth your time and love. So listen to your heart and trust your mind.

I would also like to point out that these tips should only be applied when you have given yourself time to heal properly. You can’t truly love again when you don’t heal properly from a heartbreak.

Have a happy love life.

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