

Friday 11 December 2015

Sierra Leone News: MPs concern over delay in disbursement of allocations

As Members of Parliament yesterday approved the 2016 Appropriation Act, Chairmen of the five sub-appropriation committees have raised grave concern over delay in disbursement of allocations to ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), thus causing holdups in filling parliamentary questionnaires sent to them.
The chairmen raised the concern while presenting their reports, which include recommendations and observations that arose during five- days inquest into how funds were expended by MDAs in the 2014 and 2015 financial years, and how the 2016 budget allocations would be utilised.

They noted that in the past years the same incidence of delays in remitting funds to MDAs had occurred without any remedial action by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development to put corrective measures to address the issue even though several recommendations have been made in the past years.
Members stated that even Local Councils do not receive their allocations on time, which according to them cause them to delay compiling their status reports, while also affecting administrative and development activities in various MDAs and councils. Also, the lawmakers noted that funds received by MDAs and councils were less than the amount allocated by Parliament, adding that such creates negative impact on their performance.
They also observed that allocations to most councils and MDAs were inadequate, while a good number of officials in MDAs were unable to defend their budget properly, adding that most of them received donations which they failed to present to Parliament for ratification.
Responding, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Dr. Kaifala Marah commended Parliament for their effort in the deliberations and promised that their concerns would be addressed, with adequate measures taken immediately.

Source: Concord Times

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