

Friday, 8 April 2016

Food: Recipe- How To Prepare Niger Delta Catfish Peppersoup

The best pepper soup you will ever taste is from the Niger Delta because they have all the spices and if you have this recipe, you don't need another.
The only special ingredient some people use in their pepper soup is nutmeg calabash but there is a whole lot that makes great tasting pepper soup.. 
However, you can use already blended ones from Shoprite (I like this brand below). Its the Iwo, Uda, Umilo, Ataiko, Irugeje all blended, you still need to add you crayfish, pepper, salt, maggi, onion etc.

Iwo/Ehuru (10) (that's what gives the pepper soup aroma)
Urheri /Uda (2) (you take out the seed and discard)
Umilo/Ulima (2 )
Ataiko/Atariko 1/2 tsb (this looks similar to irugeje)
Irugeje (21/2 tsb)
Lemon grass/scent leave (optional)
Ground crayfish
Seasoning cubes
Ground pepper

·              Wash your catfish with lime, lemon, salt or hot water, place in a pot after all the slime is gone!
·              Crack open the Umilo, Gbafilo and Iwo, blend the contents alongside ataiko and irugeje. I also add a bit of ground crayfish so that it blends easily (dry blending).
·              Add your ground spices- pepper, ataiko, irugeje, iwo, umilo, gbafilo, crayfish and de-seeded Urheri into the pot as well...by now the whole house should be "tasonsoning"meaning, the aroma should envelop the house. I love the aroma!
·              I add some chopped fresh pepper, I also and yellow pepper (the ata rodo version), it gives a special flavour to dishes. You can also add some chopped onions.
·              Add seasoning cubes, I use Maggi, and don't forget salt for taste, and the scent leave.
·              Cover the pot and allow to cook-the pepper soup should be ready in 35-50 minutes. 
·              I love my pepper soup to sit for about an hour or two before wacking de tin, because the fish would have taken in all the flavours! So yum!

Enjoy Your Weekend....

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