

Friday 8 April 2016

Relationship: 6 Important Things Every Man Must Fix Before Wooing a Lady

First impression lasts long as this is peculiar to the way a guy presents himself before a lady. Often times I have seen guys been rejected by ladies because they fail to do their homework exercise. However, there are certain things guys need to fix before approaching a lady which are…

1. Bad Vocabulary.
I don’t understand why some guys will not work on their English as they vomit bad vocabulary like bullets in wooing a lady. These are category of guys who complained of ladies been a hoo simply because they won’t give in their blunder.

2. Body and Mouth Odour.
The economy cannot be that bad as you can’t afford to buy toothpaste and brush. Hitherto, it’s shameful when the odour oozing out from some guys mouth is like a dead rat.
Also, they can’t purchase common $5 shaving stick to lower the evil forest region of their private section. Looking at their armpit will not be different from glancing a dustbin house.

3. Lustful Glances
There are stylish ways to analyze the shape of a lady. However, not in front of her as you will be sizing her b**bs, fantasising her butt as if a tokunbo car is being checked.
This attitude has changed wheel online when you see threads discussing about the shape of some female monikers.

4. Using Animal Sound to Call a Lady’s Attention.
One of my mentee recounts his experience to me. In his words, He said:
“Yesterday i received the insult of my life when i used whistling sound to a lady’s attention as if she is a ”bingo”. She gave me a resounding/dirty slap and promised to ban me for 10 years”

5. Sending Friends to Do Your Bidding Proposal.
Most ladies hardly like the idea of sending someone to convey your message of love her. They see such person as immature and lacking full confidence to meet them.

6. Consumption of Alcohol to Boost Ego/Self Confidence.
This is peculiar to immature dudes who have lost self confidence.
Because they are timid to approaching ladies, they ask madam chichi to serve them bottles of beer to build fake esteem.

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