

Saturday 9 April 2016

Relationship: 7 Marriage Tips So You Can Live Happily Ever After!

There a lot that can make marriage sweeter  in spite of all the stunts, but it lies between the two parties to make it. These are few tips that can help marriage last longer:

Fear of God
We talked about how important the fear of God is and even though this sounds very cliche you cannot underestimate how relevant this is for your marriage. Your husband/wife is a human being at the end of the day, so don't think your handsomeness/beauty, money, influence, good manners, respect and submission can keep them faithful and happy. Only God can. If they have the fear of God it will be difficult to do certain things and to think they can get away with it because of the God-foundation.  

Be Best Friends
Next is friendship, it is a more enjoyable marriage when you marry your best friend. Marriage is a forever thing so you may as well go the distance with someone you enjoy their company. On some days you are lovers, on other days you are like siblings and on some days you are best friends. Friendship is so important because it builds love. 

Love Must Dey
I ask her how far love na? She said "love need to dey". Love is the deeper part of the friendship, try to think about it as the glue that binds a couple together. Love renews the friendship. Even the Bible says love covers multitude of sins, it is love that will make you forgive when offended it will make you kind, it is patient, is is not proud (so can say sorry).

Thank You Darling!
It is healthy to show appreciation to your partner in any way you can. You can give gifts (it doesn't have to be birthdays/anniversary),  you can give loving words of encouragement, like "thank you darling for helping me..." "I appreciate that you try to make dinner..." "I just thank God I married you...", sweet words like that can go a long way! 

Please communicate and it is not as easy as saying "hello, hi". Speak, listen, understand! Don't expect your partner to be a mind reader. If you feel there's an issue that needs to be sorted, talk about it, Don't keep things inside, it will make you nurse bad feelings and will destroy the friendship in your marriage.

Respect Is Reciprocal 
I didn't expect the conversation to end without talking about R-E-S-P-E-C-T! "Men eat respect", she says. Respect feeds their ego, don't puncture it. Always boost your partner. Don't talk your husband/wife down. don't make them feel unimportant. help him/her achieve their dreams. You should be their number one cheerleader!

No Malice!
For Misan,  not sleeping on your anger has helped a lot in her marriage, in fact, this is koko! Don't keep things till the next day-make the decision not to carryover anger, no malice (I mean, this should be your best friend!). Don't let quarrels linger (you will have them), if you let it, small things will start escalating. 

We talked about more and I'm glad she shared these wise words with me. I know I have a lot of married people that read my blog, so please let me know what has helped your marriage so far...

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