

Thursday 5 November 2015

Sierra Leone News:NERC CEO says Ebola does not go away with declaration

Chief Executive Officer of the National Ebola Response Centre, Rtd. Maj. Palo Conteh, in his last press conference before the declaration on Saturday, has told journalists yesterday that ebola does not go away with a declaration.

An emotional charged CEO with tears of joy said he can’t believe that Saturday is almost here after one year of hard fought battle to rid the country of ebola. “When I took over the first week it was 577 cases, today we are starting to celebrate the end of ebola, how memorable it is that day; Saturday is just round the corner.”
“When President Koroma appointed me for this job his statement was that he has searched in and out of Sierra Leone and he has decided to choose me. I was shocked and it took me a whole day for it to sink in my head, because it was a job that will make my president and party fail and it would dent my reputation for life.”
Palo Conteh said he took the job and he knew he must deliver, now he is proud that after one year, he has done what has been asked of him and he is proud to move on to the next position the president will want him to go or to be sacked if that is what the president wants.
He said they don’t want a repeat of what happened in Liberia as they will continue to operate till 31st December before NERC will be disbanded and all of them return to their previous jobs. “But as we prepare to celebrate on Saturday, let us don’t forget that ebola always re-occur and we must not forget to follow the health protocols that will continue to keep us safe.
About the current situation in Guinea, the CEO said some steps have been taken to keep the country safe from possible cross infection or transmission from that country. “Not only have we intensified our interventions along our borders with Guinea, we have also increased screening measures and established standby isolation centres on both sides of the border.”
He said experience has taught them not to take chances and their policy is that of no regrets, so they will make contingencies to be ready for any eventuality. “This is not a border closure; we are simply taking all necessary steps to keep the citizens of our two respective sister nations safe from this menace so that lives can return to normal for all our peoples.”
CEO Palo Conteh said while the countdown of the last few days continue, the threat of ebola outbreak is present. He said we must remain vigilant and continue to work collaboratively with the Guineans to end the outbreak in Guinea as well.
Talking to journalists the CEO said spreading rumours that will create panic among people is unacceptable. “Spreading rumours of positive case in a certain district when you have no proof is not only in factual, it is mischief. We have gone through this together until this moment, let us remain responsible and report the facts, more now than ever.”
“You are part of the history; the relationship between us will last forever as you supported us from the beginning. I am proud of you all. To my entire staff you all have been exemplary by supporting me to get where we are today and I hope all of us will be rewarded for our great job. Let us continue to be safe until Saturday when that wonderful announcement will be made by WHO.”

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