

Friday 20 November 2015

Sierra Leone News: Chamber of Commerce Holds Trade Fair despite Threats from Flood Victims

The Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture opened the Siaka Stevens Stadium in Freetown to the public on Wednesday 17th November for its annual Trade Fair despite attempts by flood victims to resist relocation to Mile 6.
Flood victims went into the streets early this week to resist relocation from the stadium. But the management committee gave them the choice to either move to Mile 6 or collect Le.400,000 plus food items and move to a place outside the stadium.
The Chamber usually holds its trade Fair in March  April but had to shift it to November  December because of Ebola.

“The difference with the one last year and the one this year is our usual trade fair is always March-April but this year we decided to have it in November simply because since the Ebola damaged our economy and our economy has almost collapsed, it is appropriate for the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce being the governing body for the private sector to send the signal to international investors, international community, our brothers in the Diaspora that Sierra Leone is back to business and the country is free from Ebola,” Allan Tuboku Metzger, business development officer of the Chamber said “That will give them confidence to come over.”
Mining companies, the major earners of foreign exchange have been experiencing nightmares with the fall of commodity prices since 2014.
“A good number of our international participants will not be coming simply because they’ve already been engaged for other trade fairs within the sub-region like Nigeria. Nigeria will be having its trade fair,” he said. In the past many businessmen and women especially from Ghana will showcase their products at the fair. But many will not make it this year. A good thing though this year is that a large number of Sierra Leonean businesses have spaces in the stadium.
“A unique thing about the fair is that a good number of the small and medium enterprises are showcasing their products,” Mr. Metzger said.
After the Trade Fair the chamber will hold its Annual General Meeting, Mr. Metzger said.

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