

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sierra Leone Embassy In Germany Observes Prayers For Ebola Victims

The Embassy of Sierra Leone in the Federal Republic of Germany has observed prayers for the nation and Ebola victims after the virus was declared over by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Saturday 7th November 2015.
The prayers observed by both Muslims and Christians on Friday 20th and Sunday 22nd November 2015,  were graced by Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Jongopie Siaka Stevens.

Hundreds of Sierra Leoneans including well-wishers converged at both occasions, bidding farewell to the outbreak and observe a moment of reflection for those who lost their lives.
Shortly after the memorial service by Pastor Anthony Senesie, Ambassador Stevens took the opportunity to thank all those who contributed immensely towards the fight against the disease.
He expressed thanks and appreciation to all Sierra Leoneans in Germany, non Governmental Organisations and friends of Sierra Leone for their valuable support to combat the epidemic.
Ambassador noted that without the cooperation and understanding of the people of Sierra Leone including the International and humanitarian organisations, the disease would have still being on the rampage.
He acknowledged their contributions as timely and further encouraged them to continue with their humanitarian assistance in ensuring that Sierra Leone recover from the devastating effect of the Ebola Virus Disease.

Source: Cocorioko

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