

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Relationship: Does She Like Me? 6 Signs Shows She Love You

Are you getting any of the following signs?
So what are the signs girls give when they like you? Many guys out there will analyze all the signs over and over, truthfully girls are not that hard to figure out if you keep your calm and be yourself, see how she acts and watch her behavior when she’s around you.When she shows you any of these signs she is most likely waiting and wanting to talk to you, she does usually because she wants to asked out by you. The signs are just a warning there is potential for this to go further into a relationship. Here are the signs that she is interested and maybe wants to go out with you.
1) She looks at you, She smiles at, She seems excited to see you
One sign a girl is interested in you is when she keeps looking at you and is sometimes sneak about it. Do you catch her looking at you smiling, does she sometimes look away when caught and does she have the dreamy look with her eyes when she looks over? If so it is a big sign she is trying to get you to notice her, she is telling you she is attracted or at the least interested in getting to know you. If when you see her she is quick to say “Hi” and “how are you” it is also a big sign especially if she says it in an excited manner. Remember her actions and body language will give it away for you. Girls will do many things to be noticed by you even if they don’t have the guts to speak to you, keep an eye out.
2) She speaks to you a lot, She asks you personal questions
If the girl you speak to seems to enjoy talking to you there is a good chance she will like you, this goes especially if she asks questions about your personal life such as what you like, what you do in your free time and if you are going out anywhere at the weekend. A girl who is interested will show interest in your personal life simply because she wants you to know she finds your life interesting regardless and she would like to be part of it. If she speaks to you a lot consider if she is passionate about talking to you. If she is shy she may not approach you some days but if she is she may react by going red in the face or hiding her face sometimes, sometimes shy girls go a whole day without speaking to you.
3) She suddenly starts wearing makeup, She dresses differently, She preening her hair around you
If you notice the girl suddenly dresses up extra nicely like wearing makeup more including lip gloss or doing her hair to look straight and shiny. Sometimes there are girls who might do it just to look good in general but also consider if she is dressing up to impress you. If she adjusts her hair around you a lot (preening her hair) it is a self conscious thing girls do usually around guys they like. So If she does feel something for you she just wants to look her best presentable self for you.
4) She teases you, She picks on you, She is mean to you
A girl may tease you by calling you names or touching you, if she acts playful it is a good sign as it is common for girls who are interested in a guy to be in his personal space and begin a sort of banter around him. If she acts mean to you some would think she doesn’t like you but as a guy being that in that situation myself I have had mean girls like me many times. If a girl is mean to you it could be a few reasons why she does it: Keep in mind that sometimes girls to get attention will be mean to you and she is doing it because she either feels rejected by you or she wants to hide her feelings by covering it up.
5) She spends time with you, She hangs out with you more, She keeps bumping into you
It is likely a girl will try to be in places you are so that she has chance to be around you and speak to you, she may even turn up in places as if she coincidentally came to look for you. At times it’s almost like she misses you and go on occasion she comes to seek you out and find you, these are very good signs that she likes you. If she spends a lot of her time with you over her friends this is another big sign, girls consider their friends a big part of their life but if she breaks away from them she must like you a lot to do so. She may also ask if you want to go out one day or to do homework together, this doesn’t happen often but if it does it’s a big clue that she wants be spend time alone with you which is her best chance to get your attention and show you what she’s got.
6) She gives you special treatment, She sticks up for you
If there are people who don’t like you or seem against you a girl who likes you will make it known she cares about you by her actions, she will stick up for you when others put you down and she will give you her special treatment which can consist of her giving you compliments, gifts, looking after you and the best sign of all is that she does something for you that she doesn’t do for her other guys. So if she treats you differently to the other guys it is likely you are getting this different ‘special treatment’ because you are the guy she wants most out of the pack. If she does this you are more than a friend to her.

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