

Thursday 5 November 2015

Sierra Leone Sports: Samuel Eto’o Foundation gives 100 scholarships to Ahmadiyya School Girls

Samuel Eto’o, former Cameroonian international who visited Sierra Leone on Sunday accompanied the Sierra Leone Football Association’s President, Isha Johansen to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School Kissy Dockyard where he gave 100 scholarships to girls that are in sports.
In his remarks, he said he was happy to hear that Isha Johansen has given 50 scholarships to the girls, and to complement her effort, he will give another 100 to help them in their studies.
The former international football star who was happy to be at the school, told the pupils that they must take their studies very seriously as education goes with sports. He said what Isha is doing for them is great and he was happy to accompany her to see all what she has been doing.
“I am very proud and happy that you are giving me such warm welcome, I will not forget all what you have done today for me.
Before visiting the school, he was taken to Mabala where the FA built some toilets for the community with the 25,000 Pounds given to the FA from the UK. The President of SLFA said Eto’o should see how the money was spent so when he goes back he will report to them accordingly.
When asked how he can help Isha’s fulfil her dream in helping the young boys and girls succeed, he said there are many ways to do it, “I can’t say I will give her money, because that is not the only answer, but I can help her in many ways to succeed.”
He told Isha that he is ready to bring one superstar annually to Sierra Leone to help her raise funds through organising dinner that companies will buy tickets to. He also said that because of Isha’s passion for good football, he will not relent but will do all he can to help her succeed.
“I was just like them and today because of my determination and the support I had from the person I admired so much in the game, Roger Milla, I was able to achieve so much.
Eto’o said his visit to Sierra Leone was a memorable one and he would like to visit again in the future.
The coordinator of the program at the Ahmadiyya School, Amidu Deen Koroma adorned the school vest crest and tie on Samuel Eto’o who was proud to receive such gifts from them.

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