

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Sierra Leone News: NASSIT exceeds 2015 target

Head of Public Affairs at the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT), Osman Koroma, has told newsmen that his institution has exceeded their 2015 target by 155% increase.
He explained that at the beginning of every year NASSIT set itself targets and that at the start of 2015 they set themselves a target of Le221billion, adding that as at October 2015 they had collected Le268 billion.

Koroma revealed that from January to October 2015 NASSIT registered 8,519 institutions, with a membership of 2,118, adding that as at December 2015 NASSIT had paid 14,227 pensioners the sum of Le4.3 billion and 4,520 government pensioners Le1.7 billion.
He accepted that there were delayed to pay some pensioners which he said was as a result of incomplete documentation, inconsistency in the date of birth and date of employment for civil servant.
“If all these documents are processed in time it takes fifteen working days for NASSIT to process a retirement benefit, thirty working days to process a survivor benefits and thirty-five working days to process a validity benefit,” he said.
NASSIT was established in 2001 by an Act of Parliament to provide retirement and other benefits to members and their dependants, with functions to register employers and employees, collect contribution from members, maintain membership data, issue statements of account and manage the fund of the Trust by ways of investment.
He said the Trust is a national pension scheme which is mandatory for persons that have employee and employer relationship, with the contribution being 5 percent for the employee and 10 percent for the employer.
He further explained that NASSIT covers three contingents, the aged, invalidity and death, and pays old age or retirement benefit, survivors’ benefit and invalidity benefit.

Source: Concord Times

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