

Friday 23 September 2016

Religion: 5 Keys to Trusting God Wholeheartedly

Most Christians know Proverbs 3:5 by heart:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart"

It is a powerful, succinct truth - easy to grasp, but not always easy to apply.

That's why the surrounding verses provide additional thoughts on trusting God with our whole heart. The following are five aspects mentioned, but I encourage you to study the whole passage for additional aspects. 
1. Don't trust human understanding.v.5b

2. Acknowledge God in everything you do, speak and think. v.6

3. Don't think too highly of yourself but realize your desperate need for God.v.7

4. Prove your trust for God by honoring Him with more than mere words. v.9

5. Accept God's loving rebuke and discipline. v.11-12 

When we trust God, He promises us straight paths - not smooth ones, but godly ones- the best kind! v.6

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