

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Sierra Leone News: National Elections Watch (NEW) Set For 2018 Elections With Le2.3bn Funding

With Le2.3 billion and 314,000 Euros of support, under the European Instrument for Human Rights and Democracy (EIDHR), the National Elections Watch (NEW) is set to take part in all the electoral processes leading up to the 2018 elections.

The funding to NEW is to strengthen the civil society coalition of over 370 civil society organizations and international organizations in Sierra Leone with a common objective of supporting free and fair elections.

During the launch of the European Union (EU) grant, Head of Delegation Peter Versteeg said strengthening of national civil societies in democratic processes “is a central objective in the EU’s development engagement.” Furthermore he said, his organization’s aim is to build the capacity of civil society organizations in order to “increase their ability to be independent development actors.”
Versteeg disclosed that the funding has to goals as intends to strengthen NEW organizational capacity, and to support it in key preparatory activities towards the 2018 general elections.

The EU Head of Delegation said the civil societies have important role in elections observation, civil and voter education and to ensure free and fair elections.
He commended NEW in their role in the past elections in the country, as he said this role has “contributed to ensuring freedom, fairness and transparency in past elections has gained in in-debt electoral experience in and outside of the country… NEW is therefore uniquely placed to take on key activities in the run up to the elections”.

Peter Versteeg promised the EU’s continued support to elections and good governance process in the country and that with this grant to NEW trusting them [NEW] to “judiciously utilize the project resources to make sure that the agreed results are achieved.”

Acting Registrar of PPRC Zainab Umu Moseray in her statement said there is a common phrase that says ‘a man who fails to plan is bound or destined to fail’, therefore the launch of this project “is a demonstration of your commitment to succeed in the general elections, even as you prepare in advance of the 2018 electoral cycle.”

Reiterating that “you are called a civil society organization because you are expected to represent the interests of the people and not a political party, tribe, region, culture etc.  You must at all times be politically neutral, be consistent about the values and principles you stand for, be credible in your dealings with stakeholders, and finally always base your report on evidence not assumptions or rumors.”

The Chairman of NEW Marcella Samba-Sesay said her organisation has been a demonstration of how citizens groups can enhance democratic fortitude ultimate survival. Adding that as they enter 15 years of existence and 4th post conflict general elections, NEW “we have denied the dictum that civil society coalitions in the country cannot survive the test of time.”

The Chairman disclosed that because of their involvement in the political, economic and social development, “that is no doubt giving democracy a hard time. Because when it comes to democratic elections, and renewals, we have been hearing clichés of third term and more time.”

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