

Thursday 5 November 2015

Sierra Leone: Health Ministry, WHO and Dfid Concludes Assessment Tour On Post Ebola Preparedness in Six Districts

Freetown — Senior officials from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, officials from WHO, DFID and the Commonwealth have concluded a four-day assessment tour in six districts to get first-hand knowledge on the level of preparedness of District Health Management Teams (DHMTs) ahead of the NERC/MOHS transition phase.
The six districts include Port Loko, Kambia, Bombali, Koinadugu, Tonkolili in the north and Kono in the east.
Addressing staff of the Koinadugu District Health Management Team, the Chief Medical Officer and Team Lead, Dr. Brima Kargbo commended staff for the hard work in the fight to contain the Ebola virus disease in their district, observing that lots have been done and encouraged them to do more.
The visit he said, aimed at reviewing district level preparedness for establishing and sustaining minimum standards in all health facilities.
Dr. Kargbo reiterated the need to ensure that all mainstream health facilities are capable of effective surveillance, triage screening, Infection Prevention and Control and case management of possible Ebola virus disease cases and safe provision of optimal care for all patients.
November 7, 2015 Dr. Kargbo said is expected to be declared Ebola free in Sierra Leone, and come December 31, 2015 NERC to hand over responsibilities to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, adding that the Ministry should be prepared to take full responsibility to improve the health care delivery services as against any future outbreak.

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