

Thursday 5 November 2015

Sierra Leone News:EU has confidence in working with Sierra Leone Govt. -Hon. Nrbert Neuser

Leader of the European Union Members of Parliament on Development visiting Sierra Leone, Hon. Nrbert Neuser has told journalists at a press briefing at the Radisson Blu, Mammy Yoko Hotel that they have confidence in the government, the reason why they are giving budget support and other aid to help develop the country.
Hon Neuser said the country’s human right record, democracy and transparency are all working well in the country. “If they were no, then we would not have included budget support in our programmes for you people, we would just give other financial support through non-governmental organisations.”
He said on Monday they met with the Ministers of Finance, Energy, Agriculture, Education and Transport and they had fruitful deliberations with them on how they can help in their post-ebola process.
“Also, we met with President Koroma at State House and he was very passionate to meet with us and discuss ongoing EU activities that he is very pleased with. We started having a good chat on the flight from Brussels as we came together on Sunday and I knew we will have a good time in Sierra Leone.”
Hon. Neuser said their new six year plan started last year in 2014 and will end in 2020 as they will spend 400 million Euros in agriculture, education, infrastructure and good governance. “Our purpose for coming is to see what we have done and how we and your government can work together in the post-ebola recovery as Sierra Leone needs to put such horrors behind them and move forward.”
In her own remarks, Hon. Beatriz Becerra said Sierra Leoneans have shown courage and resilience during this trouble time and said they came at the time the country is looking forward to Saturday when they will be declared ebola free.
She said they are truly happy that the EU contributed in winning the fight and they will return proud of all their achievements they have seen on the ground.
Hon. Ignazio Corrao, on his part, said they visited Goderich and saw what the Emergency NGO has been doing as they are supported by the EU. He averred that they are very happy with them and they will be looking for good system that works so that they can support the health sector that is facing serious challenges after the ebola.
“We want to help, but Sierra Leone needs to take the first step so we can follow and help them to make sure that the right answers are achieved. You people of this country are great and you must work together, support your government to achieve success. All what we have seen since we arrived have given us good impression of your country.”
Hon. Adam Szejnfeld said, through his interpreter, that Sierra Leone has gone through a lot from colonization to the civil war and now the ebola. “You have defeated all these wars and that tells you that you are a strong nation. I am happy that you have risen up strong whenever you are attacked.”
He said the most important thing for the country to be prosperous is to build on education. “The education I am talking about is not only limited to normal schooling, but education that will embrace every facet of life so that you can build a society where you have nationals working in all sectors, instead of foreigners.”
Hon. Szejnfeld noted that all the countries that have developed in the world was due to an all-round education. He said EU will support Sierra Leone as they want to see a strong middle class, which is the key to the country’s development.
“Our hearts go out to you all, what you have gone through did not kill you but makes you stronger and if you can put more emphasis on education, it will bring immense economic growth to your country.”
The leader of the delegation, Hon. Neuser said they will be leaving on Wednesday and after all their visits he said they will have positive information to take back to Brussels and they will continue to work with the government of Sierra Leone.
He praised the Head of EU Delegation in Sierra Leone, Amb. Peter Versteeg and said he has been doing marvellous job and they hope to continue giving him the support he needs in helping Sierra Leone achieve its economic growth and prosperity.
On Tuesday, they visited Makeni City Council, they met with some of the NGOs they are supporting and they will leave today, Wednesday as they say their trip has been very successful as they have all the support they needed from the government and NGOs.

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