

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Sierra Leone News: Debate on 2017 Budget Finally Ends By Parliament

Members of Parliament yesterday finally ended debate on 2017 financial budget   and sent it to Committee stage for further scrutiny.

Concluding the debate, Minority Leader in Parliament Hon. Ansu Kaikai said “we are going to support the budget because it is going to contribute to the last straw that will break the camel’s back in the 2018 election.” He described the budget as a document that expresses the economic strides of the Country. He continued that he had little to say on the 2017 budget, because he believes that next year’s budget will be the one he will use to talk in more detail about the 2017 budget.

Hon. Aruna Koroma in his presentation vehemently stated “this budget is the farewell for the A.P.C led government.”

Addressing Parliamentarians, Majority Leader Hon. Ibrahim Bundu reminded Members of Parliament (MPs) that one of their major responsibilities is to approve budgets. He continued that Parliamentarians should support the budget pointing to paragraph 144 of the budget. He emphasized that Sierra Leoneans and MPs must respect the rule of law.
Deputy Minister of Finance Momoh Vandi assured Parliamentarians that their concerns have been noted and will be adhered to accordingly.

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